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Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Aligning ,Breaking of Paragraphs and paragraph styling.

 Paragraphs are use to make  essays and letters look nicer to read when writing in papers or in books and we can find thatfeatures in Microsoft  word . Html also provides same features that can be use to  do the same thing , we  shall do some examples like align text either left or right  ,break paragraph to drop a single line below  and also use <p> properties to give
a paragraph borders .  

           <title>My First webpage</title>
              <p>  I am creating webpage and its interesting and fantastic</p>      

                <p>Paragraphs are use to make  essays and letters look nicer to read when writting in papers or in books and we can find that
features in Microsoft  word .
Html also provides same feartures that can be use to  do the same thing , we  shall do some
 examples like align text either left or right  ,break paragraph to jump to the next line below  and also use paragraph tag properties to give
a paragraph boders . </p>  

This will be the results when you run the codes
eg 1.0

You can see that there its drop of paragraph at the first line in after the full stop  in the code but when we run the codes in the  browser that space does not appear
it does not appear because you did not apply the tag that its responsible to do that drop for you .To do that we must
apply the breaking tag .

  <p>Paragraphs are use to make  essays and letters look nicer to read when writting in papers or in books and we can find that
features in Microsoft  word .<br/>Html also provides same feartures that can be use to  do the same thing , we  shall do some
 examples like align text either left or right  ,break paragraph to drop a single line below  and also use paragraph tag properties to give
a paragraph borders . </p>  

This will be the results when you run the codes   eg1.1

Now the drop had appear because of the break tag watch it carefully you will notice  difference between eg 1.0 and eg1.1 

Now we would be aligning the text content but before that lets set the width of the paragraph first ,we would be using style 
to do that . Apply style="width:500px" to the codes like i did below

<p style="width:500px">Paragraphs are use to make  essays and letters look nicer to read when writting in papers or in books and we can find that
features in Microsoft  word .<br/>Html also provides same feartures that can be use to  do the same thing , we  shall do some 
 examples like align text either left or right  ,break paragraph to drop to jump to the next  line below  and also use paragraph tag properties to give 

a paragraph boders . </p>

This will be results when you run the codes you can see that the paragraph did take all the line space available but it take a

certain portion of the page and displayed.

Lets come back and apply the alignment ,apply these ( align="right") codes the paragraphs like i did below .By default the 
alignment is set to right.

<p style="width:500px "align="right">Paragraphs are use to make  essays and letters look nicer to read when writting in papers or in books and we can find that
features in Microsoft  word .<br/>Html also provides same feartures that can be use to  do the same thing , we  shall do some 
 examples like align text either left or right  ,break paragraph to drop to jump to the next  line below  and also use paragraph tag properties to give 
a paragraph boders . </p>   

Lets apply borders to the paragraph.,add these codes to the paragraph tag (border:1px solid)

<p style="width:500px ;border:1px solid"align="right">Paragraphs are use to make  essays and letters look nicer to read when writting in papers or in books and we can find that
features in Microsoft  word .<br/>Html also provides same feartures that can be use to  do the same thing , we  shall do some 
 examples like align text either left or right  ,break paragraph to drop to jump to the next  line below  and also use paragraph tag properties to give 
a paragraph boders . </p>  

This is the results when you add the border properties and run the codes .you can increase the width of the borders by 2 ,3 or any value you want to use . 

 Thats all for Today ,see you next time .

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